desgdrvr.txt Designated Driver Rrrring. ``Hello? Oh, hi Mat. How's it going? ... Great! Party? Sure, you can always count me in. When? ... Next Saturday? Sure, no problem, man. See ya then, then.'' Somehow, I survived another week. It's Saturday and I said I'll go to Mat's Christmas Night Out. Mat and I go back a long way. We've known each other since high school. It's strange why we would even be friends. He's the really outgoing type who looks like the models in GQ. I'm almost the exact opposite. Well, he called and said everyone is to arrive between 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm. ``Glad you made it,'' he greeted me at the door. ``No problem, bud.'' I arrived fairly early and we had to wait for a few more guys. ``Is D'arcy coming?'' Mat asked. ``I called. He said his wife wouldn't let him out!'' ``That's it then. Let's move out. Hey, Jake, you are our designated driver tonight. Think you can handle the van.'' ``Well,'' so that's why I'm here. Well, I don't mind. Just glad to be out of the house. ``I only have class 5.'' ``Don't worry. It's power steering and power brake. Very easy to handle. It's just the one parked outside. If you really can't then I'll do it.'' Out the door we headed. ``No problem man. I can handle this.'' It's a rented family size van, with about three rows of seats behind the front two seats. It comfortably seated all ten of us. I got myself all comfy at the driver seat and away we go. The van handled like a dream, but parking was a bit hairy though. Almost smashed into a couple of cars. We headed for town, hitting several strip joints. These guys are getting totally pissed. I think I'm the only one who doesn't drink at all. I guess that why he'd think of me. At about midnight, we decided to head for a carbaret to pick up some chicks. When we arrived, I grabbed a chair and sat down at an empty table. Mat, like his usual self, was on the dance floor almost instantly, dancing with this great looking babe. The other guys are off everywhere. Some off to do more drinking, others went to the back room to shoot pool. This is a cozy little place. The crowded dance floor is lit with colour strobes that flashed to the beat of the music. On the walls hung dimly lit neon sketches. As the live band pound out the beat on the stage, a timid looking lady sat in a corner table, sipping on a coke. There is a different air about her that's different from the other women in the place. Just doesn't look like the kind of girl that comes to these sort of places. After staring at her for a while, I was just too curious to hold back, so I took my chances and walked over to her. ``Hello. May I join you for a while?'' ``Well...Ah ...'' ``Don't worry, I won't bite.'' ``I guess it's ok. My friends might be back soon, though'' ``I won't be long. I was just wondering why aren't you joining your friends on the floor.'' Boy, that was dumb. ``I don't know how to dance,'' she said quietly. ``Pardon me?'' ``I don't know how to dance,'' she raised her voice a bit, trying to get it above the music. ``Oh. I'm not too good either. You don't look like you come here often. Your first time here?'' ``Yes.'' ``Me too.'' Do we have an echo here or what. ``I guess you are the desig driver.'' ``What?'' ``I gues you are the desig driver, like me.'' ``Yes. I'm the only one who don't drink. So they called me.'' ``The music is kind of loud in here. Mind if we go to some place more quiet to chat? Have some fresh air?'' `` friends...'' ``It'll be just outside. Better than just sitting in here, breathing all the second hand smoke.'' ``Well,'' she said, spying her friends on the dance floor. ``I guess that's ok.'' The night air is getting chilly. Fog is settling in for the evening, but the fresh air is a welcomed relieve. ``Pardon me, I haven't even introduce myself. I'm Jake.'' ``I'm Shirley.'' We got more acquainted as we stroll around the place. I found out that she's the assistant manager of the personnel department of a local engineering firm. Her collegues were having their Christmas celebration tonight 'cause one of them is to leave for Tasmania tomorrow for the holiday season. She was the only one in the office who don't drink, so they asked her to come along and be the designated driver. It's about 1:00 in the morning and the temperature was dipping below zero. Even with our overcoat and sweater, the cold is starting to bite in. With our van parked right in front of the joint, I suggested we can get in the van to get out of the cold. ``OK,'' she replied. ``You drove this thing around town?'' ``Yeah. We hit a couple of strip joints downtown, and almost a few cars too!'' She returned a big grin. I turned on the radio for some background music. I found myself sat there, staring into her hazel eyes, mesmerized. I didn't know what to say, just staring at her. She didn't seem to care for any conversation either. So, we just sat there listening the ``White Christmas'' on the radio. I reached over to get nearer to her. She closed her eyes. Our lips met. Our tongues were exploring each other as we tightly embraced each other as if our lives depends on it. As my left hand held on to the back of her head, I let my right hand move beneath her overcoat and sweater. One by one, the buttons of her blouse was undone. She let out a low moan as her bra was unhooked in front. Her nipples grew hard and erect as I massage her breasts, running my thumb over the hard tips, squeezing them gently. Our breathing is getting shorter as her hands found my belt buckle and undid it. My right hand now moves lower over her stomach as we both lowered ourselves on to the floor of the van. She unziped my pants and pulled my shorts and pants to my knees, releasing a fully erect penis. I kicked off my shoes to let her remove my pants the rest of the way. I turned around, straddling her face. She moaned quietly as she slowly takes the dick in. As I unzip and remove her pants, she flicked her tongue around the tip of my dick. As I slowly roll down her drenched panty, she was taking my whole dick in. Gently, I rubbed her hard clits, sticking one, then two fingers up her cunt. She purred with approval as she sucked hard on my penis. Her tongue reached out for more as it flicked pass my balls and around to the edge of my asshole. Now I replace my fingers with my sensitive tongue, drinking in her juice. I guess I do drink after all. We were sweating in our heavy overcoats, but was enjoying the 69 too much to bother. We just lifted the bottom of the sweaters and shirts enough out of our way. She bucked and twisted as my tongue searches its way inside her. I removed my dick from her mouth as it was about to come. She reluctantly gave it up as a baby from her bottle. Kneeling on my knees now, I spread her legs, lifting them about my waist. She grabbed on tight, pulling me in. The head of my dick just teased her cunt as I let it rub all around her lips. This was driving her crazy as she moaned,``FUCK me. Please.'' Being not one who refuses requests from a friend, I slid the whole six inch into her. She let out a scream, wrapping her legs even tighter around my waist. It didn't take long before she climaxed into a frenzy of orgasm. A few seconds later I followed, shooting my load deep inside her. I just laid on top of her exhausted, my dick still inside her. ``The weatherman predicts fog with sunny periods today, highs around 6 and lows at -2. Right now the temperature is -1, at 2 o'clock Sunday morning...'' As the radio annoucer goes on, I kissed her gently. ``I guess we better get dressed,'' I suggested. Quietly, we put our pants back on. She tidied her blouse and hair. ``Do you have time tomorrow night?'' ``Sure. Here, call me tomorrow, OK?'' ``For sure.'' The rest of the guys gathered back at the van a bit later, and we headed for home about 2:30 in the morning. ``Had a great evening, bud?'' ``Not bad.'' ``Thanks a million for driving us.'' ``No sweat. Any time.''